Sunday, March 11, 2012

January to Summer

What a winter mild to cold rain in January snow, hail,wind in March .Up and down temps everyone sick with sniffles.With 30 or more calls a day from politicians who want your vote and time to drive you nuts. It was not enough on the tv every hour, they had to fill you answering machine, digital even.We all know its an important race for your vote but please. Now please government people take care of the gas problem you say you say you have all the answers. But why do we have a problem anyways, didn't our troops die, saving Kuwait and Iraq, who had plenty of oil for America, but what happened. Thanks soldiers for giving your life for our freedom, and thank you all soldiers for your service to America, you are our Heroes. Thank you Soldiers.
So now March gasoline  is 3.879 just about go over 4.00 dollars for the summer months. But we know if  they can it will be 5.00 dollars or more soon. Get the electric hybrid hydrogen car out so we fill up on water.Doesn't our calculators have solar cells why not our cars. So summer come on get warm again, we are waiting, so we walk, ride bikes and  motorcycles again. But winter being so mild some have already done so, we want lots of good weather for awhile.amen. God is still in control of eternity, and knows everyone by name so look to Him for help. Read the Word of God for direction in your life today.

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